Detecting them in time is vital

What is it?

Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that spread mainly through vaginal, anal or oral sex. Some infections can also be transmitted through other ways, such as through the blood or from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million people worldwide get an STD every day. Detecting this type of disease in time is of paramount importance because, in the long term, they can cause serious complications to the person who has it.

In most cases, the diagnosis is late because it is possible to be infected and not present symptoms. Early detection of infections allows proper treatment and also allows to study the contacts that have had that person, to get cut the chain of transmission and thus prevent new infections.

STDs are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites and the most common are chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, HIV and HPV (Human Papillomavirus) infection.

Among the serious consequences that an STD can cause to the person suffering from it, we find that it can lead to chronic diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, cervical cancer or increase the risk of contracting HIV, among others. In pregnant women it can cause death of the fetus or newborn, among other serious consequences.


Sample of 10 mL urine in sterile canister.


Reception and analysis of the sample in our laboratory.

Sending the report in 4 working days.


For more information, your doctor will explain the results.

Information for the patient

  • It is not necessary to go on an empty stomach.
  • It is not necessary to go by appointment.


Because STDs don’t always cause symptoms, you can get or spread an infection even if it looks healthy. Although any sexually active person can get an STD, this study is mostly recommended for those in one of the following categories:
  • People who want to know their current sexual health status and take preventive action against the spread of STDs.
  • All those people who have been exposed to risk contact such as vaginal, anal or oral sexual contact.
  • Sexually active men and women who have unprotected sex and are not in monogamous relationships.
  • People with HIV have an increased risk of getting another STD.
  • People who inject drugs are advised to be tested regularly.

What does the report include?

The study looks at the most common STDs to detect the presence of any of them. The diseases being tested are:
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Mycoplasma Genital
  • Mycoplasma Hominis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • The parameters analysed are included in the report.

  • Description and interpretation of the detected parameters.

  • Brief summary of the test results.

The study is carried out using molecular techniques that detect the genetic material of microorganisms (DNA or RNA). The importance of the application of this type of molecular techniques is established in that, compared to serological techniques, they present a greater sensitivity, reducing considerably window periods (time during which the test may give a negative result even though the person is actually infected).


The test results will determine if you have any STDs from among those studied so you can start with the right treatment as directed by the specialist doctor. We can prevent possible diseases and avoid contagion.

STDs affect millions of people, and most people in the world get an STD at least once in their life. If you get an STD, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and the medication you prescribe. 

It is also very important that you tell your partner or the person you have had sex with so that you can get tested and get the right treatment, if you need it, and be able to avoid future infections.

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Frequently asked questions

The most common symptoms of STDs, which may never appear or may take days, weeks or months to develop, are the following:

  • Sores or ulcers in the genitals, in the perianal area and/or in the mouth.
  • Groin bumps, which may or may not be painful.
  • Fever Skin rashes on the trunk, hands, or feet.
  • Burning or discomfort when urinating or having sex.
  • Rectal pain and discharge.
  • In women: unusual vaginal discharge (in quantity, consistency, odor).
  • In men: discomfort in ejaculation and pus-like discharge through the urethra.

It is always advisable to have annual gynecological exams, but if you think you have symptoms or you are worried about the possibility of being infected or having unprotected sex, do not self-medicate, make an appointment with your gynecologist and go to your medical center.

If you are diagnosed with an STD, tell the person or people you have had sex with so they can go to their medical center, get tested, and get the right treatment.

To reduce the risk of infection, it is advisable to use male or female condoms during sex (including oral sex), not to share cutting objects (razors, needles, etc.), do not share sex toys if they are not covered with a condom and, to pierce the skin with tattoos and piercings, use only disposable or sterilized material.