Project Description

Cerba nutritional tests

Taking care of our diet is vital to maintain a high quality of life and a healthy organism for longer. But on many occasions we are not aware of which foods are the most suitable for us or those that are causing us to be unwell or even intolerant.

At Cerba Internacional we have various tests related to the field of nutrition that will allow you to get to know your body and your life better.

Reserva oavrica, ña clave de la fertilidad

Ο Food sensitivity test

Do you feel sick after eating?
Knowing your digestive capacity for each food is vital for a balanced and healthy diet adapted to your body’s needs.

With our Food Intolerance Test we carry out an in-depth study of each food. A proper diet will allow you to improve your quality of life.

  • STANDARD (108 Mediterranean foods)
  • PLUS (216 Mediterranean foods)
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Reserva oavrica, ña clave de la fertilidad

Ο Genetic study of coeliac disease

Gluten intolerance
Coeliac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten, which is found in the seeds of cereals such as wheat, barley, oats, rye and others.

Thirty percent of the population has alleles associated with coeliac disease, which means that they are likely to develop the disease, due to their genetic predisposition. On the other hand, people who do not have these alleles will not be able to develop the disease.

Thanks to our coeliac disease study you will be able to rule out your genetic probability of suffering from the disease.

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Reserva oavrica, ña clave de la fertilidad

Ο Personalized nutrigenetic test


Study for a tailor-made diet
Maintaining an adequate diet according to the needs of our organism is vital to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and to provide our body with all the nutrients it needs to function properly. There are genetic differences between the organisms of each one of us that demand different nutritional needs.

With our study we analyse the genetic structure of the patient through a saliva sample in order to know their nutritional needs more precisely. The DNA study allows us to obtain preventive and diagnostic information about the individual to find out how their body reacts to certain foods. In this way, we can prepare a diet adapted to their nutritional needs.

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Reserva oavrica, ña clave de la fertilidad

Ο DAO test for migraine detection


Study of migraine and nutrition.
Migraine is a chronic and recurrent pathology that affects 15% of the population, being more prevalent in women. It detracts from people’s quality of life and can be very disabling.

DAO deficiency is characterised by an imbalance between the amount of dietary histamine and its degradation capacity. Diamine oxidase (DAO) is one of the two enzymes responsible for degrading histamine. Specifically, DAO is responsible for removing extracellular histamine after mediator release. A malfunction of histamine catabolism results in the accumulation of high levels of histamine, causing multiple disorders, such as migraine, among others.

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Reserva oavrica, ña clave de la fertilidad

Ο Genetic study of lactose intolerance

Dairy doesn’t agree with you?
It is estimated that 70-75% of the world’s population suffer from lactose intolerance without knowing it.
It is a mild condition that can cause a variety of intestinal discomforts. It occurs when the small intestine generates an insufficient amount of lactase, which is the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose and transforming it into glucose and galactose.

Thanks to our test, we can carry out a study to determine whether there are certain polymorphisms that alter the correct functioning of this enzyme and therefore establish whether you suffer from lactose intolerance.

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Reserva oavrica, ña clave de la fertilidad

Ο Vegan and vegetarian study

Vegan and vegetarian diet
Good nutrition plays a fundamental role in people’s health and quality of life. Veganism and vegetarianism are an increasingly common nutritional choice in Western countries.

The study analyses the most important parameters in these diets to check for nutritional deficiencies, to monitor them and to prevent or correct any alterations.

It is advisable to carry out this study at least once a year.

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